Check Out These Downloadable,
Step by Step, Tutori-O’s Below
How to Make a Colored
Pencil Picture Frame
This Tutori-O shows you how to turn a box of colored pencils and a few inexpensive or recycled materials into a hip, colorful, picture frame.
How to Paint Furniture
with Perfect Results
Have a piece of furniture you want to paint, but don’t know how? This Tutori-O shows you all the ins and outs of stripping, fixing, sanding, & painting furniture like a pro.
Also, Check Out the Freebie Tutori-O’s Below:
How to Make a
Vintage Hubcap Clock
Love old cars or know someone else that does? This Tutori-O shows you how to turn an old, vintage hubcap into a cool, new clock!
Keep an Eye Peeled for
More Tutori-O’s … Ok?
Like I mentioned earlier, I’m always busy figuring out new projects and creating step-by-step tutorials, so be sure to keep checking for new ones!
(I’m workin’ on more now!) |